Five Nights In Anime 2

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This is a sequel to a parody for the famous FNAF series. In this release, you will not see evil animatronics. However, it is too early to relax – your lovely-looking opponents are not less dangerous than insane toys. So let’s find out more about this adventure. All events will unfold in a party club. The place is famous for arranging various anime shows. One day, the management of the club decided to hire a night guard. And this is the role you are going to take on!

You are not alone here!

The job seems to be very attractive even if you have to work during the night. The day of your first shift starts very good and goes well until a certain moment. When you lock all the doors and are just going to relax, your notice some strange noise. What can it be? You go to the main hall to check the doors again and stop horrified! There are several anime girls there! They are very pretty and freely move around the place. Of course, the very first desire of the night guard is come to these stunning beauties and talk to them. But do not follow your instincts. Soon you will learn that these are actually your opponents that are going to destroy you! Now everything depends on whether your brain will outperform your desires. Are you ready to accept the challenge?

You may be attacked at any time!

The girls know they attract you, and their lovely appearance is there main weapon. They dance for you and openly demonstrate their attractions to make you lose your agility! It is difficult to accept the fact that these stunning personages with big eyes can be dangerous. Luckily, you have your own tiny office with video cameras and screens to watch your enemies’ movements. When any of them is moving towards you, make sure you do not leave your office. Moreover, you need to lock your doors not to let them in. But it cannot be a permanent solution as your electricity supply will quickly run out. So you need to use it only by small portions. Is that possible to survive in the company of these tempting opponents? You will remain alive only if you manage to develop a step-by-step strategy to protect yourself! Good luck in this nerve-wrecking challenge!

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